The MNCF offers a wide variety of material and device characterization services enabled by the more than 50 pieces of equipment housed under a single roof at CeNSE, IISc, together with experienced staff. We also network with other laboratories to enhance breadth of our services and are in collaborative agreements with instrument manufacturers and suppliers, allowing us to offer characterization services not available from a single source in India or abroad. As CeNSE also houses the National Nano Fabrication Facility and a number of other research laboratories, we are able, when called for, to tap into in-house expertise in multi-disciplinary domains like MEMS-NEMS, Nanoelectronics Devices, Sensors, Circuits, Plasmonics, Polymer Bio Sensors, Micro-Nano Fluidics, Microsystems Packaging, Growth of IIIA nitrides, Power Devices, Photonics, Optical interconnects, Large-area Electronics, Nonlinear Optics in Fibers, Optical Signal Processing, and 2D materials – heterostructures and devices.
More than 1000 researchers of IISc use MNCF characterization services regularly and work with MNCF staff on various acadmic/industrial R&D problems. If you are not sure of the technique appropriate to characterise your device/material, you can tap into our 50 plus years of collective experience in materials/device characterization. We will work with you to identify the best technique, or combination of techniques, which could solve your problem. We can help you to design your investigation so as to get the most out of each measurement and analysis. We can help you synthesize data from multiple techniques.
We recognize that the quality and accuracy of scientific results are of the highest significance in research. We therefore strive to ensure that our equipment are in fine shape always and that they are calibrated periodically by using traceable standards.
While data from equipment are important, what is relevant is to understand how they how it related to your product/problem. We work with you to arrive at such understanding.
To be a reliable and sought-after global facility for Characterization and Analysis at the Micro/Nano scale
To work closely with academia, industries, and national laboratories to solve challenging scientific and industrial problems, and be home to a team of highly skilled and motivated application technologists/scientists in the domain of Nano Science and Engineering. Be a self sustaining and non-profit facility.

- Engage with researchers to serve their needs with utmost sincerity and dedication
- Work in an ambience of openness and transparency, with commitment to be accessible and responsive to IISc, the academia, and other laboratories in the network
- Review periodically all measurements/analysis conducted, to gnerate actionable insights so as to value to the efforts of researchers.
- Create strategies and insights through engagement with collaborating industries, in-house experts, and domain experts at IISc.
- Be accessible to share expertise and resources, while respecting the confidentiality of the work of users/researchers and the networking laboratories
Our values are inculcated from the founding members of CeNSE, who strove hard to infuse a sense of collaboration and commitment to high standards. First and foremost is the intention with which the centralized facilities (NNFC, MNCF, Packaging Facility, SysEF, CoNE) were created at CeNSE and opened to the Indian research community in an almost missionary mode, committed to service. We also draw inspiration from many faculty members from across the IISc campus, their contemporary research traditions, and their partnership with the global academia and industry, which strives to tackle both “blue sky” and “down to earth” problems. Our source of inspiration also comes from public funding agencies which have ensured that we have all resources for the establishment and running of this singular facility.